Norweco Singulair

Singulair tanks are reinforced precast concrete with internal walls and baffles cast-in-place to insure uniformity and maximum strength. The aerator has been designed specifically for use in the Singulair system. It costs less to operate and consumes fewer kilowatt hours than most major appliances. All system controls and necessary owner information are conveniently located at your fingertips with the Service Pro control center.

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Singulair System Performance

Rivaling the performance of the most advanced wastewater treatment plants in the world, the Singulair system complies with USEPA wastewater treatment guidelines for secondary treatment systems and meets all requirements of NSF/ANSI Standard 40. In ecologically sensitive areas, the most stringent effluent standards are 10 mg/L CBOD and 10 mg/L TSS. Rated Class I after successfully completing the 7 month Standard 40 test protocol, the Model 960 system averaged effluent of 6 mg/L CBOD and 10mg/L TSS.

Click here to learn how the Singulairy System works.
Click here to learn about our service program.
Click here for operational requirements.
Click here for a list of parts and accessories.

Residential Aeration Product List

Norweco Model 960 Singulair (500/600 GPD) - Standard
Norweco Model 960 Singulair (500/600 GPD) - TNT 12" Soil Credit
Norweco Model 960 Singulair (750 GPD) - Standard
Norweco Model 960 Singulair (750 GPD) - TNT 12" Soil Credit
Norweco Model 960 Singulair (1000 GPD) - Standard
Norweco Singulair UV System - Additional 1" Soil Credit w/960 TNT
Norweco Singulair Post Aeration Basin - NPDES

For more information please contact Opie Hreha at:

Toll Free: 1-800-438-2880 extension 20
Phone: 614-837-8444 extension 20

Information on this page is taken from the Norweco Singulairy Owners Manual zMMVII NORWECO, INC.

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